Monday, 17 August 2009

A Grand Day Out

It's not all workshops and good food....! The Society has many other activities, one of which is an important way in which we fulfil our aims and objectives - the public demonstrations that local members put on throughout the year. Here, Jos Halls sends us news of a typical such event:

On Sunday 19th July members of the Suffolk Branch were honoured to be invited to open the Town and Bridge Project ‘Healthy Lifestyle Have a Go’ event in Ipswich. This event was held at the newly opened Suffolk University Campus site, by the town’s rejuvenated waterfront. The day started with about 60 members demonstrating a double Tai Chi set outside the beautiful showcase building.
The wind doth blow...........

.......and we shall do Tai Chi!

Due to the less than ideal weather conditions – now let’s face it what would expect in England in the middle of summer? – we were not joined outside by many observers, who instead chose to observe us from the warmth and shelter inside the building (especially as it is fully glass fronted). To explain; despite the sun shining overhead there was a roaring gale, which was accelerated around the gentle curves of the building from the river. So the biggest challenge was keeping one’s balance and feet firmly on the ground! By not being too ambitious with the kicks and working together everyone managed to stay upright, bearing the brunt of the breeze face on as we turned into every single-whip.

Part of the brief from the organisers to the various groups concerned was to encourage visitors to ‘Have a Go’, so throughout the day a relay of instructors and members held interactive sessions at our indoor display stand. We were certainly kept busy all day with many people coming to join in. This was the third of a series of demonstrations held by the branch in recent weeks so we are hopeful that we will stimulate good interest locally - as the branch is running three 6 week taster courses over the summer break in readiness for the autumn term.
Taking part in demonstrations and promoting the Society is another facet of what we do. So we were very pleased to welcome some relatively new members who came out to join in for at least part of the day. Learning the set for the first time around in the relative safety of your local class is one thing, but for a few having only just completed the set for the first time only a few weeks ago meant taking an even ‘bigger step’, so well done. Also thank you to the numerous members who took part in a very enjoyable day.
members demonstrating how the Set can be adapted for sitting
The Branch has been fortunate over the last few years in establishing some good links with other local community groups including the local Borough Council. Such contacts are proving to be invaluable, as it gives us many more opportunities to allow others to experience the health benefits of our Tai Chi. We all had a lot of fun, shared many laughs and went home feeling rejuvenated but somewhat windswept.