Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Saying Hello to the Ox - Part 1

Members across the country have been gathering together to welcome in the Year of the Ox. As usual, this mostly involved eating well and generally having a good time. Over 200 came to the European Centre at Colchester and were treated to a five course Chinese banquet, prepared by our own volunteer chefs.

Guests enjoying the good food, and good company, at the European Centre

Many of those present were not members, but guests or family of members, and for some it was their first visit to the Centre. They were given an impromptu demonstration of the set by some of the members present, and a raffle raised £260 towards buying some nice banqueting chairs to replace our rather old and tired black chairs. The quality of the food was, as ever, excellent, and the efforts of the kitchen team were greatly appreciated by all.

As always with this sort of event, it takes hours of hard work behind the scenes to enable the final production to appear so efficient and effortless. So, a big Thank You to all those involved, both in the planning, preparation and the clearing up afterwards.

The kitchen team sit down after a very long day, to enjoy the fruits of their labour.